Why Should Schools Use Digital Signage?

Why Should Schools Use Digital Signage?

With more and more people getting vaccinated every day, schools and educational institutions could open shortly. Digital signages are an effective communication tool for the education sector to not just inform students and faculty about any health-related protocols but also increase overall engagement.

For too long, technologies like digital signages were seen as the exclusive domain of businesses. But that has changed over the last decade with educational institutions and public bodies using them to communicate with their audiences. That adoption has been helped by the demonstrable benefits these users have experienced.

Digital signages in schools are a concept whose time has come. If you’re a school administrator or the head of an educational institution, here are seven reasons why you should use a digital signage system.


7 Reasons Why Schools Should Use Digital Signage Systems


1. Saves you money

There are compelling cost advantages to using a digital signage system. Schools don’t have to repeatedly spend money on designing and printing leaflets, posters, banners, and pamphlets. No matter what the occasion or need, you’ll be able to easily communicate via a digital signage system.

Need to announce safety protocols to the entire school? Or planning to communicate something just to the faculty? Want to send a reminder about the drama club meeting? A digital signage system is all you need.

Importantly, if you need to make any changes, you can easily do it from your digital signage’s dashboard.

2. Makes you look modern

If you only use age-old noticeboards, it says that you haven’t moved with the times. While those are still useful and perhaps even charming, a digital signage system says that you’ve adopted the latest in communication technology.

Do remember that students are already used to this highly digitized world. They are digital-first and well-versed with smartphones and other digital devices. The lack of digital signages is a sign for them that the school isn’t modern enough.

3. Facilitates learning

There’s a reason why “how-to” videos get millions of views on YouTube and online courses are increasingly relying on videos. It’s easy to learn something when the medium is both content-rich and dynamic. And a digital signage system is exactly that.

You can record educational content across topics and broadcast them through digital screens. Teachers can also customize the content for various grades and make them user-friendly.

All these will make it easier for students to learn without the school having to repeatedly create new content. In other words, education becomes scalable through digital screens.

4. Helps navigation

Schools won’t need posters or standees to direct students or visitors. You won’t have to assign the task to student counselors either. A digital signage system will be able to easily do that.

Plus, they’re interactive. So, if a student or a visitor needs to find the way to a lab, they’ll be able to get that specific information from the display screen.

5. Relays real-time information

Sometimes, you need to convey information quickly and without any confusion. It could be an emergency or news about a change in plans or rescheduling of any event. You don’t have the time to get it printed and posted on noticeboards.

What you need is digital signage. Through a few clicks on the dashboard, you will be able to easily communicate it to a large audience consisting of students, faculty, and support staff.

Maybe it’s not about the school but some breaking news from the region. Instead of doing a public announcement without all the details, you can use the digital signage system to constantly communicate the information and update it whenever needed.

6. Allows you to customize communication

Is there an important guest visiting your institution? Are you celebrating a special day? Are you welcoming a famous old student? With digital signages, you can craft customized communication to make them feel special.

You can also extend this special treatment to those students or faculty members who may have excelled in something recently. Their photos and achievements on a dynamic screen will also inspire others.

7. Offer value-added experiences

With a digital signage system like EasySignage, schools can deliver highly value-added experiences to their audiences. These are easy integrations that don’t need any technical know-how to operate.

  • Canva app: If you want to design a poster for a club meeting or create instructional banners for an event, you don’t have to hire a designer or settle for amateur designs. With the free Canva app, you’ll be easily able to create those and many more in just a few minutes

Canva for School


  • Twitter: You can share the latest tweets from your school’s Twitter account or follow other handles that share educational content

digital signage twitter app


  • Google Slides: Got a presentation about your plans for the next year? Or a deck about the examination schedule? You can easily share it through the Google Slides app

  • Google Sheets: Want to share next year’s forecast with the faculty? Or grading results with the students? It’s easy through Google Sheets

  • News: How do you refresh your content while increasing the general awareness of your students about what’s happening around the world? By sharing news from several reputed sources, including, BBC and CNN

digital signage news app


  • Weather: Along with international and national news, it’s good to have weather updates specifically about your region. With the weather app integration on EasySignage, your students and faculty will know what to expect in your vicinity

  • Follow us: You want your students to follow you on social media. Instead of merely requesting that through the public announcement, why not do it with the “Follow us” integration? With just a QR Code, you’ll be easily able to get new followers across channels

digital signage follow us instagram


Digital signages save money, time, enhance educational experiences, and improve student engagement. Plus, it’s a medium that your students already love. Reasons enough for schools and educational institutions to adopt this empowering technology.