Tableau Dashboard App

Welcome to the Tableau Dashboard App guide for Digital Signage. This document provides step-by-step instructions on how to use public and secure dashboards through EasySignage.


Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Public vs. Secure Tableau Dashboards
  3. Setting Up a Tableau Connected App
  4. Configuring Digital Signage with Tableau


1. Overview

The EasySignage Tableau Dashboard App allows you to display Tableau dashboards on your digital signage screens.

  • Public Dashboards: No authentication required.
  • Secure Dashboards: Requires Connected App (direct trust) configuration to provide secure access.


2. Public vs. Secure Tableau Dashboards

  • Public Dashboards:

    • Available for anyone to access.
    • No credentials or configuration are needed to use these dashboards within Digital Signage.
  • Secure Dashboards:

    • Also known as Embedded Dashboards with Authentication
    • Accessible only to authenticated users.
    • Requires creating a Connected App in Tableau and providing relevant credentials to Digital Signage for secure access.
    • Supports multiple connected apps from different Tableau accounts, allowing seamless dashboard integration.


3. Setting Up a Tableau Connected App

To access secure Tableau dashboards with Digital Signage, follow the steps below to create a Connected App and obtain the required credentials.


Step 1: Create and Enable a Connected App in Tableau

  1. Log in to Tableau Cloud using your admin account.

  2. Navigate to SettingsConnected Apps.

  3. Click New Connected App, and choose Direct Trust. digital signage create connected app

  4. Name your connected app (e.g., “Digital Signage”), and setting access level required.

    Add new connected app

  5. Click Create to generate the credentials.


Enabling the Connected App

  1. After creating the app, scroll back to the list of connected apps.
  2. Select the newly created app and from the Actions drop down list, click the Enable button.
    Enable connected app


Step 2: Obtain the Connected App Credentials

  1. Click on the newly created app

  2. Click on Generate New Secret and you will see the following details:

    • Secret ID
    • Secret Value
    • Client ID

    tableau dashboard onnected app credentials

  3. You will use these values to integrate the Tableau dashboards with Digital Signage.


4. Configuring Digital Signage with Tableau

Follow these steps to add the Tableau dashboard to your Digital Signage app.


Step 1: Open Digital Signage Admin Panel


  1. Log in to your Digital Signage account.

  2. Navigate to the Playlists choose existing playlist or create a new one

  3. Follow the steps to reach the apps list and choose “business Intelligence”

    select BI apps


  4. Navigate to the Tableau from the apps section.

    choose Tableau App


  5. Go back to Tableau accout, navigate to the dashboard you want to use, click share and copy the URL.

    choose Tableau App


  6. Enter the URL, uncheck Public Dashboard checkbox, and click on ADD CONNECTED APP..

    choose Tableau App


  7. Fill in the connected app details acquired in Step 2:

  • Enter the App Name.

  • To copy the Secret ID, click on the Actions drop down list and click on Copy ID. Paste it in the Secret ID field.

  • To copy the Secret Value, Click on the Actions drop down list and click on Copy Value. Paste it in the Secret Value field.

  • Copy the client ID by clicking on the Copy Client ID button, and paste it in the Client ID field.

  • Enter the User Email used in the Tableau Dashboard.

  • Click ADD.

    choose Tableau App


  1. Make sure the newly added app is selected and click save.

    choose Tableau App


  2. You should be able to see your dashboard in the media preview.

  3. You can add multiple Connected App by repeating the above steps for each Tableau Connected App you want to add.

  4. Assign the playlist to your screen and click publish.